Sunday, August 26, 2007

Death to the Infidels.

I am not racist, really I am not, I like anyone who can bring a smile to the dinner table and not a bomb. Seriously though, I don't mean to rant but if you want to blow something up, do it on your time and not mine. I have shit that needs to get done, are they important? To me they are, maybe it's not to you but you know what? Who died and made you boss? Oh thats right, no one, you just keep blowing yourselves up, that is not the right way to run a religion, if you want though I have the phone number of a great cult for you to join, please I insist you drink the punch first. But really, this is all about a guy who came into my place of work today and asked for copper wires, a half dozen metal pipes and ammonia, seriously you think i don't know what you are making? Fortunately we don't sell ammonia, but man when the guy at 7-11 is coming to the Home Depot for "home" supplies, and makes a fuss about timers and the like. I have problems with that, maybe you don't but I do. So >.< blow up on your own time. Not mine.

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